Edible Communities for AcrossRCA week
30th Oct - 3rd Nov 2017
Royal College of Art

Taught with Nora Silva, technical assistance from Finn Thomson

Edible Communities is a project focusing on exploring the values of food in a community context, and discussing its use in promoting togetherness and change and as a tool for political actions and resistance. Through the project, we explored the dinner table as a platform for discussion, conversation and making. The project embraced food as a universal language (needing no translation) and an invaluable tool in promoting collaboration, gathering and collective growth.
Throughout the project, students were encouraged to take reference and inspiration from their surroundings in order to build a communal space suitable for eating and gathering. Together we built a foldable, portable, clandestine kitchen, made using mostly found/recycled materials.
Edible Communities analysed the ecologies of community living, taking into consideration concepts of exchange, recycling and togetherness, questioning their application and achievability in a social context – placing food at its roots and using it as a vehicle for discussion and development.